This guy must get all the chicks. I wonder if he speaks Spanish . Oh and by the way is that a Flag on his T-shirt or just some Crazy Design.
The people of Catalonia have autonomy in Spain. This means they have their own local government, their own police and some control over their own community. In September 2005, the Catalan Parliament decided to call Catalonia a 'nation' according to Spanish Constitution which says that Spain is a group of nationalities. But this term has no judicial valor and it's only a term to calm down a minority of separatists. Catalonia is richer than many other Spanish regions, because industrialization began there earlier than in other Spanish areas. However, this relative richness is used by the Spanish state to subsidize other Spanish areas. There are a lot of factories and businesses in the cities. The region is also greener than southern Spain, and crops are grown here. The north of Catalonia is less hot than the rest of Spain, and has more hills and trees. In the north of the region is the border with France.
Hahahahaha!!!still in your desktop?